Anthropology Solved MCQs

Anthropology Solved MCQS
Anthropology Solved MCQS
1. The __________ in anthropology uses data about the beliefs and behaviors in many societies to document both cultural universals and cultural diversity.
 (a )comparative perspective 
 (b) holistic perspective
 (c) ethnographic approach
 (d) culture concept

Ans: A

2. Emile Durkheim was born in
 (a) 1858-1917
 (b) 1862-1909

 (c) 1858-1918
 (d) None


3. Problem of high fertility rates today is mostly in

 (a) Europe
 (b) china

 (c) Africa
 (d) None

Ans : C

Food production systems are often categorised into
(a) Hunting and gathering
(b) Food and Goods
(c) Food and market
(d) None of these

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